What an exciting client and case to work on!!
This lovely lady presented to us with her major concern being:
- Spaces between her teeth ( also known as Diastemas)
- Uneven gum line
- tipped and rotated teeth
- dicolouration
The treatment included:
- 8 Upper and 6 lower front Custom In-house Porcelain Veneers made with Vita Vident porcelain Shade 1M1 Custom shaded to patients likings. This was done in 2 VISITS (One for the upper teeth and one for the lower teeth). These hand-made ceramic porcelain veneers were custom-made by our entire team. NO TEMPORARIES were worn at any time. And the client had to be frozen with local anesthetic ONCE!
- This treatment completed the clients smile line and blended in color with the back teeth.
It is always exciting to work on cases like these because we can see the final results in advance through digital imaging and share it with the patient before any of the work begins.
The case turned out great and she was ecstatic as you can tell from her smile in the post-op photo!