Dental Implants Toronto Replace Missing Teeth

In many situations, dental implants can give back patients their confident smile. The benefits are improved esthetics, the ability to eat comfortably and a clean, healthy oral environment for the patient.

Dental Implants are small prosthetic posts that are placed into the bone of the upper or lower jaw. They act as replacements for the root portion of lost natural teeth and also serve as an anchor for replacement teeth. Dental implants look and feel exactly like natural teeth — in fact, no one other than you and your doctor will be able to tell the difference. Dental implants are appropriate for almost anyone who is currently missing teeth or is at risk of losing teeth.

There are many different types of dental implants available. Drs. Charkiw and Afsar have extensive experience in dental implants and would be pleased to discuss the benefits of implant prosthetics with you. Ask about implant restorative treatment at the time of your consultation.